On behalf of our entire membership, "Welcome to Peach Crossing!" We look forward to meeting you in the coming days and months as you transition into our community. While we're only 10 minutes from the amenities of College Station, we are just far enough out to make the drive inconvenient - something which lends itself to the reality that our subdivision is a 'small town' of sorts, where you'll soon find yourself soon knowing many residents on a first-name basis and borrowing eggs or sugar from your neighbor to avoid the drive 'into town.'
Listed below are area providers for our various utilities. We hope this will help ease your move into our neighborhood, as you establish your new home in Peach Crossing.
The following are sole-service providers. That is, they are the only providers for the listed service.
Trash Collection/zRecycling 3C Disposal
9764 TX-6 Business
Navasota, Texas 77868
Also offering recycling on every Wednesday along with regular trash pick-up, for customers only
Other Services
Septic, propane, pest control, lumber, and many other goods and services are provided my various providers. We encourage you to consider providers in both College Station and Navasota (which is just down the road, and where providers are often competitive if not cheaper than those in College Station) as you evaluate your options.